It is difficult for me to keep perspective. I have trouble remembering the big picture in the minutia of the day to day.
In order to fight against that, and to remember why I write, I wrote a prayer that I recite every time I sit down to write. I printed it, framed it, and put it above my desk so I don’t forget it.
I put it in its entirety below. Or you can download the PDF here.
Almighty God,
You are the master storyteller.
Thank You for creating me in your image,
and allowing me to tell stories.
I pray my stories would honor You
and point to Your goodness and glory.
I can’t do this without You,
and I wouldn’t want to try.
I pray You would provide the words
I am supposed to write today.
All stories come from You.
Help me to never forget that.
Help me draw nearer to You,
through this action of creating and depending on You.
You are the beginning and the end.
Thank You for being the author who never changes.
Jump. Build, Fly.
F.C. Shultz