When I started writing, all of my stories sounded like Ray Bradbury had written them. I’m not trying to say I was an amazing writer. The opposite is true.
I was copying Ray Bradbury.
I even wrote a story mimicking his breakout story, “The Lake.”
You need to do the same thing. When you’re starting to write, you’re trying to find your voice. You’re trying to figure out what you sound like on the page.
It’s hard.
There’s a gap. Ira Glass talks about the gap in this video.
Solution? Write like your heroes. Get words on the page.
It’s all about getting words on the page. The only way to find your writing voice is to write. There are no shortcuts to finding your voice.
Go reread one of your favorite short stories or books and then sit down and write a story like you think that author would write it.
Do this enough and you will find your voice.
Jump. Build, Fly.
F.C. Shultz