January 2023 Top Ten


We read This is A Book for People Who Love Birds for book club. The illustrations are awesome, but the content was just okay.


I read The Birds Our Teachers by John Stott and loved it.


I watched this video of a man making an incredible fish tank from driftwood. It’s insane.


I finally beat Link’s Awakening on the Nintendo Game & Watch. I had it on Gameboy as a kid, but never beat it because some of the dungeons are insane and I didn’t have Google. It was a lot of fun though.


I read Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen and loved it. He wrote it for his friends who don’t believe in God. It’s a great read for anyone who wants to try to make sense of the world.


I saw a flock of Cedar Waxwings where I work. It was awesome.


One of my favorite musicians, John Van Deusen, started a new band called Telephone Friends. They released their first single and it’s a jam.


I read the little book The Practice of the Presence of God and it was incredible. My friend got me a different translation, and I think I’m going to start that next.


The Oh Hellos released a remastered edition of their album Through the Deep, Dark Valley and it’s wonderful.


I watched the first game of the 2015 World Series and it was the wildest game of baseball I’ve ever seen in my life.