December 2021 Top Ten


One of my friends showed me the song Pictures of Mountains and I don’t know if I’ve heard a song that captures the Millennials angst better.


I watched this video of Clair De Lune playing in another room with rain and thunders for far too long this month.


I read The Pastor, a memoir by Eugene Peterson, and it made me question if I actually know what a pastor does. My full review.


I finished the poetry collection 99 Poems by Dana Gioia. Most of them were okay. One of them was phenomenal. You can watch me reading it here.


We watched Shang-Chi and enjoyed it.


I also saw the new Spiderman movie and really enjoyed it. Homecoming is my favorite Marvel movie, and this Spiderman did a good job getting back to those roots.


I read the short book Is Christmas Unbelievable? by Rebecca McLaughlin. Good stuff. She loves spoiling Harry Potter, but other than that it’s great. My full review.


I also read the X-Men one-shot God Loves, Man Kills. It was super dark. More than I was expecting. But the story was great. Left me with a lot to think about. My full review.


We watched The Star a few times as a family during Christmas. It was great! And now my three year old can do an awesome donkey impression.


I ended the year reading a favorite: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I partially listened to the audio version narrated by Andy Serkis, which was awesome. I can’t wait to read it to my kids.