April 2022 Top Ten


I read Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts by Steve Turner and loved it. I think I agree with his view on art. It was super practical, too. In the age of Christians putting a cross or a fish on their business cards or logos, this quote was especially amusing:

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“Jesus surely didn’t mark all his carpentry with a relevant saying, and Paul didn’t embroider memory verses on his tents.”


One of my favorite musicians, John Van Deusen, is coming out with a new album on June 3. He’s been releasing singles leading up to the new album. One of the latest singles, Oh, Sweetest Name, is a jam and is somewhat challenging.


One of my other favorite musicians released this six minute lyric masterpiece.


We read The Door on Half-Bald Hill by Helena Sorensen for book club. It was…rough. The prose was wonderful, but the story was vague and confusing. One reviewer said it was “a constant nonsense parade.” That feels a little harsh, but I can’t fully disagree.


My life group read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis this semester. I forgot how good it is. And how accessible it is given the subject matter.


This video of a British priest reacting to genuine kids’ prayers is great.


I finally finished Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas. I talk about it more at the bottom of the May email, but I’m definitely glad I read it.


Two years ago, Youtubers Rhett and Link announced they had left the Christian faith of their youth. They explained everything on a multi-part podcast series. Fast forward to last month, they gave a two year update on their spiritual journey. It was interesting, sad, frustrating, encouraging, and emotional.


On the heels of listening to Rhett and Link’s spiritual journey update, I read Finding the Right Hills to Die On by Gavin Ortlund. It’s a great short book that gives Christians some practical guidance on how to figure out what weight to give different theological topics. Definitely recommend for anyone working in a church.


We saw a fat Mourning Dove in our backyard last week. It was huge. Sammi thought it was a bunny at first.