F.C. Shultz

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Introducing Rocket Weekly; Helping New Fiction Authors Take Off.

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Welcome to Rocket Weekly, a weekly blog for new fiction writers. My name is F.C. Shultz and I love good stories. I’ve published two short novels and a handful of stories (Every Day Fiction, Of Gods and Globes Anthology), and I love talking about writing.

Every Monday morning, for the next 52 weeks, there will be a new blog post on topics such as ideation, story structure, characterization, inspiration, resources, and general tips. Some specific post titles are:

  • Where do story ideas come from?

  • Marketing for Authors.

  • How many characters should I have?

  • Testing your dialog.

  • Why write stories?

  • Incentivize yourself.

  • Giving away your book.

If any of these topics look interesting to you, you can sign up here to get new posts delivered to your inbox first thing on Monday mornings to help you launch your writing week.

I’m excited to dive in and talk about topics that are interesting to fiction authors. If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I reply to all emails. Looking forward to talking with you.

Jump. Build. Fly.
F.C. Shultz

P.S. Here’s the first post if you’re ready to jump in!