F.C. Shultz

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Red Pen Editing. [23/52]

The first step I always take when it is time to edit is to print out the entire manuscript. It’s such a great feeling to hold that first draft.

At this point, it’s probably been at least a month (if not more) since I finished the book. So, I need to familiarize myself with it, again.

I take a red pen and sit down and make edits.

It’s that simple.

I’m looking for spelling mistakes, sentences that need reworked, whole sections that might not make sense (based on what happens in the beginning or end), and other tweaks I might want to make.

Then, I take that marked up document and scan it in as a digital file. Now I can pull it up next to my writing software (I use Scrivener). I make a digital copy of draft one, labeled draft two, and start making the changes from the marked up copy in the digital file.

This always takes longer than anticipated, but the book is so much better once it is complete.

Next week, editing the major changes.

Jump. Build, Fly.
F.C. Shultz

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